- Make your own Map
Maps by CensusMapper
Canada Census 2021
- Unoccupied Dwellings (by "usual residents")
- Bedroom diversity index
- Empty Bedrooms
- Occupation groups
- Work from home
- Population Change 2016-2021
- Visible Minority Explorer
- Ethnic Diversity
- Immigrant Generation
- Movers 5
- Composition of Movers
- Religion
- No religion
- 👻Haunted Houses👻
- Trick-or-Treat Onslaught
- Trick-or-Treat Density
- Age of Household Maintainer
- Unacceptable housing
- Core Housing Need
- Unsuitable Housing
- Rent poor
- House poor
- High Shelter Cost
- Mother tongue linguistic diversity index
- Low Income Explorer
- Top vs bottom adjusted income decile
- P90/P10 ratio on adjusted after-tax household income
- Gini coefficients
- Median Income Explorer
- Change in "unoccupied" dwellings 2016-2021
- Dwelling types
- Household size
- Components of Population Change
- Adjusted Family Income Brackets
- Canadian
- Secondary suite density
- Main mode of transport to work
- Household type
- Tenure main mode
- Time leaving for work
- Time leaving for work
- Rural vs Urban
- Instruction in minority official language
- Work and Live in Same Municipality
- Mode share
- Active Transportation to Work
- Bike to Work
- Public Transit to Work
- Walk or Bike to Work
- Ethnic Diversity (including Indigenous)
- Immigrants
- Non-permanent residents
- Visible Minority
- Local affordability
- Mortgage free owner households
- Condominium
- Comfortable owners
- The comfortably housed
- Running Shelter Cost to Income
- Multigenerational households
- Number of household maintainers
- Bedroom density
- High-income households
- Rent (and utilities)
- Tenants in subsidized housing
- Subsidized housing
- More than one person per room
- Dwellings in Need of Major Repairs
- Owner Households in Core Housing Need
- Renter Households in Core Housing Need
- Renter Households
- Seniors
- Neither English nor French
- Toddler density
- Stork arrived?
- Naive household size
- Absolute Population Change 2016-2021
- Change in dwellings
- Change in (naive) household size
- Change in Households 2016-2021
Canada Census 2016
- Low Income Explorer
- Population Change 2011 - 2016
- Population Density
- Unoccupied Dwellings (by "usual residents")
- Housing Types, occupied (Single & Duplex, Mid and Highrise, Other)
- Median Income Explorer
- Average Income Explorer
- Renter Households
- Single Detached Dwellings
- Active Transportation to Work
- Transit to Work
- Trick-or-Treat Onslaught
- High Shelter Costs
- Toddler Density
- Absolute Population Change 2011 - 2016
- Trick-or-Treat Density
- 👻Haunted Houses👻
- Local Affordability
- Empty Bedrooms
- Unsuitable Housing
- Movers and new construction
- Household Maintainer Rates
- 🇨🇦 Canadian Citizens 🇨🇦
- Boomers vs Milennials
- Bike to Work
- Subsidized Housing
- Composition of Movers
- Generations
- Time leaving for work
- Stork arrived?
- Walk to Work
- Bike or Walk to Work
- Croatian origin 🇭🇷
- ☘Irish Ancestry☘
- Movers 5
- Rent Poor
- House Poor
- Families and Unattached Individuals vs Households
- Commute Duration
- Work and Live in Same Municipality
- After Tax Household Income Gini Coefficient
- Income Brackets
- Visible Minority
- Ethnic Diversity
- Age of Household Maintainer
- Dwellings in Need of Major Repairs
- Chinese as Mother Tongue
- Single Detached and Duplex
- People per Household
Canada Census 2011
- Households Qualifying to Buy Median Dwelling
- High Shelter Costs
- Unoccupied Dwellings (by "usual residents")
- Child Poverty
- Local Affordability
- Income Tax
- Unsuitable Housing
- Hidden Mortgage
- Shelter Cost Higher than Income
- Born In Province of Residence
- Non-Immigrants Born Outside Province of Residence
- Rent Poor
- Commute Cost vs Shelter Cost Tradeoffs
- Empty bedrooms
- Composition of Movers
- Composition of Migrants
- Population Density
- Married vs Common Law
- Immigrants
- Poor People
- Renter Households
- 🇨🇦 Canadian Citizens 🇨🇦
- House Poor
- Aboriginal Identity
- Components of Origin
- Median Commute Duration
Canada Census 2006
- Bike or Walk to Work
- Rent Poor
- Poor People
- Shelter Cost Higher than Income
- Local Affordability
- Active Transportation
- Transit
- High Shelter Costs
- House Poor
Canada Census 2001
- Population density
- Composition of movers
- Unoccupied (by usual residents) 2001
- Bike to Work
Canada Census 1996
- Bike to Work
- Population Density
- High Shelter Costs
Canada Census 2016, Canada Census 2011
- Net Migration by Age Groups
- Components of Population Change
2011/2016 Canada Census
- Non-Primary Residence Surprise
Canada census 1991 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada Census 2016, Canada census 1996 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2006 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1986 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1981 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1971 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2001 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2011 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG
- Population change explorer
- 25 to 44 year olds timeline
- Seniors timeline
- Bike to work timeline
- Driver to work timeline
- Transit to work timeline
Canada census 1991 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1996 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2006 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1986 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1981 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1971 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2001 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2011 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG
- Population density explorer
Canada Census 2016, Canada Census 2011
- Components of Population (in private households) Change
Canada Census 2016, StatCan Census 2016 xtab via CMHC
- Unoccupied dwellings (by type)
- Housing Types (Single & Duplex, Mid and Highrise, Other)
- Unoccupied dwellings
Canada census 1991 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada Census 2016, Canada census 1996 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2006 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1986 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1981 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 1971 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2001 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census 2011 custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG, Canada census custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG
- Children under 15 timeline
Canada Census 2016, Canada census custom tabulation DOI: 10.5683/SP2/QNO5JG
- Population change 1971 - 2016
StatCan Census 2011 xtab via CMHC, Canada Census 2011
- Unoccupied dwellings
Canada Census 2006, StatCan Census 2006 xtab via CMHC
- Unoccupied dwellings
Canada Census 2001, StatCan Census 2001 xtab via CMHC
- Unoccupied dwellings
Canada Census 2016
- 25 to 39 Year Olds Living With Parents
- 20 to 29 Year Olds Living With Parents
Canada Census 2016, Canada Census 2011
- Change in household size
Maps by Users
Canada Census 2021
- % of 25-35 year old household maintainers
- Low income map Burlington
- Commute to Work by Bicycle (2021)
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting - Census 2021
- Scary Movie Freakouts
- People who commute outside their city
- Walking to work, as a share of all work commutes in Charlottetown
- Carte de densité de population par km de la Région Métropolitaine de Québec - Quebec Metropolitain Region Pop Per Km Density Map
- Carte de densité de population par km de la Région Métropolitaine de Québec - Quebec Metropolitain Region Pop Per Km Density Map
- Carte de la densité de la population de la région métropolitaine de Québec - Quebec City Population Density
- Vancouver Population Density 2021 Census
- Visible Minority Percentage
- age
- Families -3
- Families -2
- Families
- Families
- Jewish Population of Canada
- Heatmap of Kids Aged 0 - 14 by Neighbourhood (Relative)
- Heatmap of Kids Aged 0 - 4 by Neighbourhood (Relative)
- Heatmap of Kids Aged 0 - 14 by Neighbourhood (Absolute Values)
- South Asians as % of total population - scaled to census tract level
- South Asian - totals - scale designed for census tract level
- Income - Total individuals aged 15+ in 2020 with income of $150,000 and over
- Montreal Income
- French Spoken at Home, Percent of Population
- Southeastern Canada Visible Minority
- Percent Post Secondary
- Christian
- Single-detached House Percentage
- Single-detached House Percentage
- Population Density (People per Square Kilometre) (2021 Census)
- Recent immigrants (2016-2021)
- Inuktut (Inuit) languages
- Inuktut (Inuit) languages
- Toronto Somali Population - 2021 Canadian Census
- Toronto Black Population - Census 2021
- Toronto Black Population - Census 2021
- Chinese Population 2021
- Cantonese minus Mandarin as a share of Overall Chinese Mother Tongue
- Shelter cost by neighbourhood
- Median Total Income of Household
- Prime Aged Adults
Canada Census 2016
- Mandarin Speakers
- Population de langue maternelle ukrainienne en 2016
- Population de langue maternelle russe en 2016
- Population Density of Greater Vancouver (2016)
- Official language minority (percentage)
- Pourcentage des déplacements domicile-travail au sein d'une même subdivision de recensement
- Salish Sea - Human Population Density per square kilometre - 2016
- Salish Sea - Human Population Density per square kilometre - 2016
- Homes Deficit
- Toronto Income _1
- Vancouver Population Density
- Non-Aboriginal
- Not a visible minority
- % transit
- Dravidian languages as a mother tongue, 2016
- South Asian as Percentage of Population - 2016 Census
- BC Indigenous concentration
- Low-rise apartments
- French as percentage of first official language
- Total In Low-Income Cutoff After Tax in London
- Public Transit as Percentage of Commute
- Walked as Percentage of Commute
- Thunder Bay Region By percentage commuting by Transit
- The Alon Levy "No Transit Map"
- 2016 Census - Low Income Rates (LIM-AT) (%) Whole Population
- 0-14 year old totals (#) - 2016 Census
- Percentage of one-census-family households with children
- Where immigrants are living
- Immigrants (2011-2016) Absolute Numbers
- Transport workers
- Immigrant Residents (absolute numbers)
- Population aged 0-14 Victoria BC
- Toddlers living in poverty (0-5yo) in Victoria BC
- Toddlers living in poverty (0-5yo) in Victoria BC
- Children living in poverty in Victoria BC (absolute numbers)
- 2016 census: Population
- Dissemination Area Mapping of Household Income
- Commuting out of Home CSD
- Population counts Guelph 2016 - 10 bins
- Population Density of Vancouver
- Calgary CMA Population Percentage Change, 2011 to 2016
- Age 65+ values
- Age 20-24 Values
- Homeowners
- Relative Population Change
- Relative Population Change
- Population Map - Fraser Valley
- Population identifying as being of ethnic origin Victoria BC Census 2016
- Identifying as Aboriginal Victoria BC 2016
- Prevalence of Low Income for Children in Victoria BC 2016
- Seniors Living in Low Income (Victoria BC 2016)
- Population % Change 2011 to 2016 Victoria BC
- Languages Spoken Victoria BC 2016
- Resident of North American Aboriginal Origin Victoria BC 2016
- Prevalence of Low Income 18-64yo Victoria BC 2016
- Asian Origin as % of Total Pop Victoria BC 2016
- Immigrant Newcomers 2011-2016 Victoria BC 2016
- Motorist Density
- census
- Avg After-tax HH income, 2015
- Shades of gray: Elderly share of population
- Transit Population Density
- Public Transit Ridership (Winnipeg)
- Interprovincial "Commuters"
- Interprovincial "Commuters"
- Toronto Relative Average Individual Income
- Vancouver Relative Average Individual Income
- Room Density
- People per Bedroom
- "Old Stock" Canadians
- Price to Rent Ratio
- Share of Homeowners with Mortgages
- 2016 Median Household Income: Matching Map
- pop. density
- Mandarin as a First Language 2016
- Population talking French at home, custom colors
- French, Language at Home
- Jane Jacobs Densities
- Population Density & Transit Viability
- Gender Balance Map
- Duplex Rate
- Ratio of Duplexes to Single Detached Houses
Canada Census 2011
- Vancouver Relative Average Individual Income
- 2011 Median Household Income: Matching Map
- Mandarin as a First Language 2011
- First & Second Generation Canadians as a share of the population
- Ratio of Duplexes to Single Detached Houses
- Gender Balance
- Room Density
- White population as % of total
- Black population as % of total
- Chinese population as % of total
- Not visible minority, deviation from Montréal average
- African origin
- Chinese pop'n distribution in Ottawa
- South Asian pop'n distribution in Ottawa
- Somali pop'n distrib in Ottawa (by Census Tract)
- Median age of population
- The Young Torontonians
- Early Risers: commuters starting their journey between 5 and 6:59 a.m.
Canada Census 2006
- 2006 - Total Households by Census Subdivisions
- Vancouver Relative Average Individual Income
Canada Census 1996
- Chinese population 1996